For Thou Art Crunchy and Taste Good With Ketchup

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The work of Tony Erickson

All pieces are manus carved origionals by Tony and although similarities

may occur are not produced using pictures or patterns.

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woodakoodashooda© and©
are Copyrights 2004 of Anton Erickson



'1 who works with his hands is a Laborer.
One who works with his easily and head is a Craftsman.
One who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an Artist.'

"Wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows"  Martin Luther King, Jr

 "Exercise not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for g art crunchy and taste good with ketchup"

 "But when the last tree has withered, and the last fish caught, and the
last river been poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money." Cree Proverb

 'Life isn't like a bowl
of cherries or peaches, it's more like a jar of Jalapenos--what you
do today, might burn down your donkey tomorrow......'

And so whats that got to do with the post-obit? Nothing. I just like the quotes.

When I was effectually 8 years old on a sunny day in New Boston, New Hampshire my begetter and I were sitting on the back door stairs and he was whittling out a little horse from a pine branch. After he finished he handed me a piece of pine and suggested that I copy what he did. And then I whittled away and with a few suggestions from him I finally produced something that looked like a little horse. More like a canis familiaris. I handed him the horse, folded the knife and also handed that back to him. He inspected my piece of work, smiled, handed it dorsum to me and also handed back the knife and said, "Its yours now." That was my get-go pocketknife. Somewhere along the way it got misplaced along with whittling or treecarving equally my swedish relatives chosen it. I recall its kind of funny that in all those years I never heard the phrase scandanavian flat plane carving until 2003. A cousin living in Sweden says its still treecarving over in that location and that flat plane is an american term. At present ain't that something to wonder about. Then in the late lxx's or early 80's a lilliputian old homo came to my marble and granite shop in San Bruno, California. We talked well-nigh stone etching and woodcarving and fine art on his visits. He turned out to exist an artist who displayed at Maxwell's Gallery in San Francisco. He too turned out to be a famous woodcarver which I, again, found out in 2003 or then. So all that peaked my interest in treecarving and brought dorsum some old memories. My first carving from that point was a turtle on a rock. Its head was a petty out of proportion but really not to bad at all. My married woman sabbatum on information technology so I never got to show it to anyone but my sis and she thought information technology was cool. The turtle that is, not sitting on it. I then saw a Mexican friend with a flat Mirachi Ring type hat and carved out a caricature I called Jose. Over a year later my third piece became a fat little elf. I never had any problems with design or layout probably due to my past in architecture and stone and no issues with sharpening or knife strokes. Cut myself though. More than than once too.  At that signal in time I had tried chip carving, extravaganza, sculpture, whatever type of carving, carving carving and carving. All using a pattern or book. Patterns were not fun nor very interesting for me and I struggled through them. The carvings turned out okay but in a brusk amount of fourth dimension I lost my involvement in forest carving. I quit. I thought.

So some time 2001 my wife and I were at the N Rim of the M Canyon and while cruising down the route in her BBB, bright blue beetle, I saw a small piece of Ponderosa Pine, small being about two anxiety long, by the side of the road. We pulled over, backed upward and and tossed information technology into the hatchback. Been doing that always since. Somewhere in Utah a piece I call Woody, crusade it unintentionally concluded upward looking like the Toy Story character, was created using a 6"  Bowie knife. Challenging that piece in that way was fun. That started me on using found wood similar bawl and pine sticks. Junk woods and rejected pieces of wood. Piano legs and stuff nobody else wanted. No books, no patterns, no pictures.

Since and so I accept strived to make each piece I do an original and do not use patterns or pictures. I cannot say that I practice not read or meet things that influence me because we all do that. In that location'south nothing new nether the dominicus, they say. I suppose someday I'll merely run out of ideas or kids and folks asking me to evidence them how I did this or that, or I'll get the shakes or something or other. At that point in time I guess I'll merely frame upward my favorite pocketknife and hang it on the wall.
Anton Erickson, Tony, AJ, was born in New Boston, New Hampshire and attended The Boston School of Architecture and after, Foundation Higher for Graphic Arts in San Diego, CA. After over 20 years of architectural practice in New Hampshire, he then moved on to Oregon and and then California where he was the founder and owner of a major marble and granite company. Today Mr. Erickson resides in Seneca, SC with his wife of over fifty years, Lucille.


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