We May Yet Again Have Access

Speeches (Lines) for Hortensio
in "Taming of the Shrew"

Full: 70

--- # Human action, Scene, Line
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Speech text



Katherina. [To BAPTISTA] I pray you, sir, is it your will
To make a stale of me among these mates?

Hortensio. Mates, maid! How mean you that? No mates for you,
Unless you were of gentler, milder mould.



Katherina. I' faith, sir, you shall never need to fear;
Iwis information technology is non halfway to her heart;
But if it were, doubt not her intendance should be
To comb your noddle with a three-legg'd stool,
And paint your face up, and apply you like a fool.

Hortensio. From all such devils, practiced Lord deliver usa!



Lucentio. Hark, Tranio, thou mayst hear Minerva speak!

Hortensio. Signior Baptista, will you be so strange?
Sorry am I that our adept will effects
Bianca'due south grief.



Gremio. Yous may become to the devil's dam; your gifts are and so good
here's none will hold yous. There! Dearest is not so great,
Hortensio, just we may accident our nails together, and fast it adequately
out; our cake's dough on both sides. Farewell; yet, for the love
I bear my sugariness Bianca, if I can by whatever means light on a fit man
to teach her that wherein she delights, I will wish him to her
male parent.

Hortensio. So Will I, Signior Gremio; merely a word, I pray. Though
the nature of our quarrel notwithstanding never brook'd parle, know now, upon
communication, information technology toucheth united states both- that we may nonetheless again take access to
our fair mistress, and be happy rivals in Bianca'southward love- to
labour and effect one affair particularly.



Gremio. What'south that, I pray?

Hortensio. Marry, sir, to go a husband for her sister.

half dozen


Gremio. A husband? a devil.

Hortensio. I say a husband.



Gremio. I say a devil. Think'st thousand, Hortensio, though her father
be very rich, any human being is and so very a fool to be married to hell?

Hortensio. Tush, Gremio! Though it pass your patience and mine to
suffer her loud alarums, why, human being, there exist good fellows in the
world, an a human being could light on them, would take her with all
faults, and money enough.



Gremio. I cannot tell; but I had as lief take her dowry with this
condition: to be whipp'd at the high cross every morning.

Hortensio. Faith, as you say, there'due south minor choice in rotten
apples. But, come; since this bar in law makes u.s.a. friends, it
shall be so far forth friendly maintain'd till by helping
Baptista'due south eldest daughter to a husband we fix his youngest free
for a husband, and so have to't anew. Sweet Bianca! Happy man
be his dole! He that runs fastest gets the ring. How say you lot,
Signior Gremio?



(stage directions). Enter HORTENSIO

Hortensio. How at present! what's the matter? My quondam friend Grumio and my
good friend Petruchio! How practise you all at Verona?



Petruchio. Signior Hortensio, come up yous to office the fray?
'Con tutto il cuore ben trovato' may I say.

Hortensio. Alla nostra casa ben venuto,
Molto honorato signor mio Petruchio.
Ascension, Grumio, rise; we will compound this quarrel.



Petruchio. Sirrah, exist gone, or talk not, I propose you.

Hortensio. Petruchio, patience; I am Grumio's pledge;
Why, this's a heavy run a risk 'twixt him and yous,
Your ancient, trusty, pleasant retainer Grumio.
And tell me at present, sweet friend, what happy gale
Blows you to Padua here from old Verona?



Petruchio. Such current of air equally scatters young men through the world
To seek their fortunes farther than at habitation,
Where small feel grows. Simply in a few,
Signior Hortensio, thus it stands with me:
Antonio, my father, is deceas'd,
And I take thrust myself into this maze,
Haply to wive and thrive as best I may;
Crowns in my purse I have, and appurtenances at dwelling,
So am come abroad to see the world.

Hortensio. Petruchio, shall I then come roundly to thee
And wish thee to a shrewd ill-favour'd married woman?
Thou'dst thank me merely a little for my counsel,
And however I'll promise thee she shall be rich,
And very rich; but th'art besides much my friend,
And I'll not wish thee to her.



Grumio. Nay, look you lot, sir, he tells you flatly what his mind is.
Why, requite him gold enough and marry him to a puppet or an
aglet-baby, or an sometime trot with ne'er a tooth in her caput, though
she has as many diseases as ii and fifty horses. Why, zippo
comes awry, so money comes withal.

Hortensio. Petruchio, since we are stepp'd thus far in,
I will keep that I broach'd in jest.
I tin can, Petruchio, help thee to a wife
With wealth enough, and young and beauteous;
Brought up as best becomes a gentlewoman;
Her only mistake, and that is faults enough,
Is- that she is intolerable curst,
And shrewd and froward so across all measure
That, were my state far worser than it is,
I would not wed her for a mine of gold.



Petruchio. Hortensio, peace! g know'st not golden's effect.
Tell me her male parent's name, and 'tis enough;
For I will lath her though she chide every bit loud
As thunder when the clouds in autumn crack.

Hortensio. Her father is Baptista Minola,
An affable and courteous gentleman;
Her proper name is Katherina Minola,
Renown'd in Padua for her scolding tongue.



Grumio. I pray yous, sir, let him go while the sense of humor lasts. O' my
word, and she knew him besides as I do, she would think scolding
would exercise little proficient upon him. She may perchance call him half a
score knaves or so. Why, that'south zippo; and he begin once, he'll
rail in his rope-tricks. I'll tell you what, sir: an she stand
him but a lilliputian, he volition throw a figure in her face, and so
disfigure her with it that she shall accept no more eyes to see
yet than a cat. You lot know him not, sir.

Hortensio. Tarry, Petruchio, I must go with thee,
For in Baptista'due south keep my treasure is.
He hath the jewel of my life in hold,
His youngest daughter, beautiful Bianca;
And her withholds from me, and other more than,
Suitors to her and rivals in my love;
Supposing it a thing incommunicable-
For those defects I accept earlier rehears'd-
That always Katherina will be woo'd.
Therefore this order hath Baptista ta'en,
That none shall accept access unto Bianca
Till Katherine the curst have got a husband.



Grumio. Katherine the curst!
A title for a maid of all titles the worst.

Hortensio. Now shall my friend Petruchio do me grace,
And offer me disguis'd in sober robes
To old Baptista as a schoolmaster
Well seen in music, to instruct Bianca;
That so I may by this device at to the lowest degree
Take get out and leisure to make honey to her,
And unsuspected court her past herself.
Enter GREMIO with LUCENTIO disguised as CAMBIO



Grumio. Here's no knavery! Encounter, to beguile the old folks, how the
young folks lay their heads together! Master, master, expect near
you. Who goes there, ha?

Hortensio. Peace, Grumio! It is the rival of my love. Petruchio,
stand by awhile.



Petruchio. Peace, sirrah!

Hortensio. Grumio, mum! [Coming forward]
God salvage yous, Signior Gremio!



Gremio. And yous are well met, Signior Hortensio.
Trow yous whither I am going? To Baptista Minola.
I promis'd to enquire carefully
About a schoolmaster for the fair Bianca;
And by good fortune I have lighted well
On this beau; for learning and behaviour
Fit for her turn, well read in poetry
And other books- good ones, I warrant ye.

Hortensio. 'Tis well; and I accept met a gentleman
Hath promis'd me to help me to another,
A fine musician to instruct our mistress;
And so shall I no whit be behind in duty
To fair Bianca, so honey of me.



Grumio. And that his bags shall evidence.

Hortensio. Gremio, 'tis now no time to vent our dear.
Listen to me, and if you speak me fair
I'll tell you news indifferent good for either.
Here is a gentleman whom past chance I met,
Upon agreement from u.s.a. to his liking,
Will undertake to woo curst Katherine;
Yea, and to marry her, if her dowry please.



Gremio. Hortensio, hark:
This admirer is happily arriv'd,
My mind presumes, for his own good and ours.

Hortensio. I promis'd we would exist contributors
And bear his charge of wooing, whatsoe'er.



Lucentio. [Aside] Well begun, Tranio.

Hortensio. Sir, a word ere you go.
Are you lot a suitor to the maid you lot talk of, yea or no?



Gremio. For this reason, if you'll know,
That she'due south the choice dearest of Signior Gremio.

Hortensio. That she'due south the called of Signior Hortensio.



Petruchio. Hortensio, to what end are all these words?

Hortensio. Sir, let me exist and so assuming as ask you,
Did y'all withal ever see Baptista'south girl?



Tranio. If it be so, sir, that y'all are the homo
Must stead usa all, and me amongst the rest;
And if yous break the ice, and do this feat,
Achieve the elder, set the younger free
For our access- whose hap shall be to have her
Will non then graceless be to be ingrate.

Hortensio. Sir, yous say well, and well you do conceive;
And since y'all exercise profess to be a suitor,
Yous must, equally nosotros do, gratify this admirer,
To whom we all residual generally beholding.



Grumio. [with BIONDELLO:] O first-class motion! Fellows, let's be gone.

Hortensio. The motion's good indeed, and be it so.
Petruchio, I shall be your ben venuto. Exeunt



Baptista Minola. How now, my friend! Why dost k look so pale?

Hortensio. For fright, I hope you, if I look pale.



Baptista Minola. What, volition my daughter prove a adept musician?

Hortensio. I think she'll sooner show a soldier:
Iron may agree with her, but never lutes.



Baptista Minola. Why, then thou canst non break her to the lute?

Hortensio. Why, no; for she hath broke the lute to me.
I did but tell her she mistook her frets,
And bow'd her hand to teach her fingering,
When, with a most impatient devilish spirit,
'Frets, telephone call you these?' quoth she 'I'll fume with them.'
And with that give-and-take she struck me on the head,
And through the instrument my pate made way;
And at that place I stood amazed for a while,
As on a pillory, looking through the lute,
While she did phone call me rascal fiddler
And twangling Jack, with twenty such vile terms,
As she had studied to misuse me and so.



Lucentio. Fiddler, forbear; you grow likewise forwards, sir.
Have you so soon forgot the entertainment
Her sister Katherine welcome'd you withal?

Hortensio. Merely, wrangling pedant, this is
The patroness of heavenly harmony.
And so give me leave to accept prerogative;
And when in music we have spent an hour,
Your lecture shall take leisure for as much.



Lucentio. Preposterous donkey, that never read so far
To know the crusade why music was ordain'd!
Was it not to refresh the mind of man
Afterward his studies or his usual pain?
Then give me get out to read philosophy,
And while I pause serve in your harmony.

Hortensio. Sirrah, I will not bear these braves of thine.



Bianca. Why, gentlemen, you do me double wrong
To strive for that which resteth in my choice.
I am no breeching scholar in the schools,
I'll not be tied to hours nor 'pointed times,
But learn my lessons as I please myself.
And to cut off all strife: here sit nosotros down;
Take yous your instrument, play you the whiles!
His lecture will be washed ere you accept tun'd.

Hortensio. You'll get out his lecture when I am in melody?



Lucentio. 'Hic ibat' equally I told you before- 'Simois' I am Lucentio-
'hic est' son unto Vincentio of Pisa- 'Sigeia tellus' bearded
thus to get your love- 'Hic steterat' and that Lucentio that
comes a-wooing- 'Priami' is my human Tranio- 'regia' begetting my
port- 'celsa senis' that we might beguile the quondam pantaloon.

Hortensio. Madam, my instrument'south in melody.



Bianca. Now let me see if I can construe it: 'Hic ibat Simois' I
know you not- 'hic est Sigeia tellus' I trust you lot not- 'Hic
steterat Priami' take listen he hear us not- 'regia' presume not-
'celsa senis' despair not.

Hortensio. Madam, 'tis at present in tune.



Lucentio. All but the bass.

Hortensio. The bass is right; 'tis the base of operations knave that jars.
[Aside] How fiery and forwards our pedant is!
At present, for my life, the knave doth court my beloved.
Pedascule, I'll lookout man you better yet.



Bianca. I must believe my master; else, I promise you,
I should be arguing still upon that doubt;
But let it rest. At present, Licio, to you lot.
Good master, take it non unkindly, pray,
That I have been thus pleasant with you both.

Hortensio. [To LUCENTIO] You lot may go walk and give me leave
My lessons make no music in iii Parts.



Lucentio. Are yous and so formal, sir? Well, I must await,
[Bated] And watch nonetheless; for, but I be deceiv'd,
Our fine musician groweth dotty.

Hortensio. Madam, before you bear on the instrument
To acquire the order of my fingering,
I must begin with rudiments of fine art,
To teach you gamut in a briefer sort,
More pleasant, pithy, and effectual,
Than hath been taught by any of my trade;
And at that place it is in writing fairly drawn.



Bianca. Why, I am by my gamut long ago.

Hortensio. Yet read the gamut of Hortensio.



(stage directions). Leave

Hortensio. Just I have cause to pry into this pedant;
Methinks he looks every bit though he were in love.
Even so if thy thoughts, Bianca, be so humble
To bandage thy wand'band eyes on every stale-
Seize thee that listing. If once I detect thee ranging,
Hortensio will exist quit with thee by irresolute. Exit



Tranio. Is 't possible, friend Licio, that Mistress Bianca
Doth fancy any other simply Lucentio?
I tell you, sir, she bears me fair in hand.

Hortensio. Sir, to satisfy you in what I accept said,
Stand past and mark the mode of his didactics.



(stage directions). [They retire]

Hortensio. Quick proceeders, marry! Now tell me, I pray,
Yous that durst swear that your Mistress Bianca
Lov'd none in the world so well as Lucentio.



Tranio. O despiteful dear! unconstant womankind!
I tell thee, Licio, this is wonderful.

Hortensio. Mistake no more; I am not Licio.
Nor a musician as I seem to be;
Merely one that contemptuousness to live in this disguise
For such a ane equally leaves a admirer
And makes a god of such a cullion.
Know, sir, that I am telephone call'd Hortensio.



Tranio. Signior Hortensio, I take frequently heard
Of your entire affection to Bianca;
And since mine eyes are witness of her lightness,
I will with you, if you lot be and then contented,
Forswear Bianca and her honey for e'er.

Hortensio. Run across, how they buss and courtroom! Signior Lucentio,
Here is my hand, and here I firmly vow
Never to woo her more, but do forswear her,
Equally ane unworthy all the one-time favours
That I accept fondly flatter'd her withal.



Tranio. And here I have the like unfeigned oath,
Never to marry with her though she would entreat;
Fie on her! Meet how beastly she doth court him!

Hortensio. Would all the globe just he had quite forsworn!
For me, that I may surely keep mine oath,
I will be married to a wealtlly widow
Ere three days pass, which hath equally long lov'd me
Every bit I accept lov'd this proud disdainful haggard.
And so goodbye, Signior Lucentio.
Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks,
Shall win my beloved; and so I take my go out,
In resolution equally I swore earlier. Go out



Petruchio. How fares my Kate? What, sweeting, all amort?

Hortensio. Mistress, what cheer?



Katherina. I thank you, sir.

Hortensio. Signior Petruchio, fie! you are to arraign.
Come up, Mistress Kate, I'll acquit you visitor.



Petruchio. When you are gentle, you shall accept one too,
And not till and then.

Hortensio. [Bated] That will not be in haste.



Petruchio. Thy gown? Why, ay. Come, tailor, allow us see't.
O mercy, God! what masquing stuff is here?
What's this? A sleeve? 'Tis like a demi-cannon.
What, upwards and down, carv'd like an appletart?
Hither's snip and nip and cut and slish and slash,
Like to a censer in a hairdresser's shop.
Why, what a devil's name, tailor, call'st thou this?

Hortensio. [Aside] I see she'due south like to have neither cap nor gown.



Grumio. I am for thee straight; take thou the bill, give me thy
meteyard, and spare not me.

Hortensio. God-a-mercy, Grumio! Then he shall have no odds.



Petruchio. [Aside] Hortensio, say g wilt run across the tailor paid.-
Become take it hence; be gone, and say no more than.

Hortensio. Tailor, I'll pay thee for thy gown to-morrow;
Take no unkindness of his jerky words.
Abroad, I say; commend me to thy master. Exit TAILOR



Petruchio. It shall be seven ere I go to horse.
Look what I speak, or practice, or think to practice,
You are still crossing it. Sirs, let 't lone;
I will not go to-day; and ere I practise,
It shall be what o'clock I say information technology is.

Hortensio. Why, and then this gallant will command the sun.



Petruchio. Now by my female parent's son, and that'due south myself,
Information technology shall be moon, or star, or what I list,
Or ere I journey to your father's firm.
Go on and fetch our horses dorsum again.
Evermore cantankerous'd and cross'd; nothing simply cross'd!

Hortensio. Say as he says, or nosotros shall never go.



Katherina. Then, God exist bless'd, it is the blessed sun;
Simply sun information technology is not, when you say information technology is not;
And the moon changes fifty-fifty as your mind.
What yous will have information technology nam'd, fifty-fifty that it is,
And so it shall be so for Katherine.

Hortensio. Petruchio, get thy means, the field is won.



Petruchio. Well, forrad, forward! thus the bowl should run,
And not unluckily confronting the bias.
Merely, soft! Visitor is coming here.
[To VINCENTIO] Good-morrow, gentle mistress; where away?-
Tell me, sweet Kate, and tell me truly too,
Hast thou beheld a fresher gentlewoman?
Such war of white and red within her cheeks!
What stars do spangle heaven with such beauty
As those ii eyes go that heavenly face?
Fair lovely maid, in one case more than goodbye to thee.
Sweet Kate, embrace her for her beauty'southward sake.

Hortensio. 'A will make the homo mad, to make a woman of him.



Vincentio. Merely is this true; or is it else your pleasance,
Similar pleasant travellers, to break a jest
Upon the visitor you overtake?

Hortensio. I do assure thee, father, so it is.



(phase directions). Exeunt all but HORTENSIO

Hortensio. Well, Petruchio, this has put me in heart.
Have to my widow; and if she be froward,
Then hast thou taught Hortensio to be untoward. Exit



Petruchio. Padua affords nix but what is kind.

Hortensio. For both our sakes I would that give-and-take were truthful.



Petruchio. Conceives by me! How likes Hortensio that?

Hortensio. My widow says thus she conceives her tale.



Petruchio. To her, Kate!

Hortensio. To her, widow!



Petruchio. A hundred marks, my Kate does put her down.

Hortensio. That'due south my part.



Lucentio. I thank thee for that gird, good Tranio.

Hortensio. Confess, confess; hath he not hit yous here?



Petruchio. Well, I say no; and therefore, for assurance,
Let's each ane send unto his wife,
And he whose wife is most obedient,
To come at first when he doth send for her,
Shall win the wager which we will propose.

Hortensio. Content. What's the wager?



Lucentio. A hundred and so.

Hortensio. Content.



Petruchio. A friction match! 'tis done.

Hortensio. Who shall begin?



Petruchio. I hope better.

Hortensio. Sirrah Biondello, become and entreat my wife
To come to me forthwith. Exit BIONDELLO



Petruchio. O, ho! entreat her!
Nay, then she must needs come.

Hortensio. I am agape, sir,
Practice what yous tin can, yours volition not be entreated.
[Re-enter BIONDELLO]
Now, where's my wife?



Petruchio. Worse and worse; she will not come! O vile,
Intolerable, not to be endur'd!
Sirrah Grumio, become to your mistress;
Say I control her come to me. Exit GRUMIO

Hortensio. I know her answer.



Petruchio. What?

Hortensio. She volition not.



Lucentio. Here is a wonder, if you lot talk of a wonder.

Hortensio. And and then it is. I wonder what it bodes.



(stage directions). [Exeunt PETRUCHIO and KATHERINA]

Hortensio. Now get thy ways; yard hast tam'd a curst shrow.


Source: https://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/views/plays/characters/charlines.php?CharID=hortensio&WorkID=tamingshrew&cues=1

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